Curriculum Overview


Our rich curriculum underpins academic learning at OTS. Each of the subjects on offer follow exciting schemes of work that encourage a depth of understanding, creativity, and collaboration. Our specialist subject teachers and excellent support staff ensure that learning is delivered in an inclusive and accessible way that accounts for individual learning differences. Finally, cross curricular learning allows students to connect different subjects and topic together fostering a deeper appreciation of the world around them. 

The curriculum at a glance

Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8, and 9

Years 7, 8, and 9 are a special time for our students - they are able to enjoy the benefits of learning in a secondary school without any of the academic pressures. We encourage students in these year groups to enjoy these years for work, enrichments, and most importantly, fun. 

In terms of the curriculum, students in Key Stage 3 are given the opportunity to experience the full variety of subjects available at the school. They will receive lessons in the core subjects of english, maths, and science as well as lessons in creative subjects (art and music), the humanities (history, geography, RS), sport, PSHE, enrichment and more. We find that our students relish and thrive on this freedom to explore both new and familiar subjects, dig deeper in their interests, and be surprised by what they are able to learn and do.

Key Stage 4 - Years 10 and 11

Years 10 and 11 are the years in which students choose subjects they wish to take for their GCSE examinations at the end of year 11. Students do not have to make these choices alone. Rather, our team of dedicated teachers and support staff ensure that they can make informed as to the right choices for them and that they understand what strategies will need to implemented in order for them to reach their goals. While students must continue to study the core subjects, there is no obligation or pressure for any of our students to take a certain number of subjects above these. 

The Key Stage 4 curriculum aims to inspire and challenge students to develop their knowledge so that they can not only perform well in GCSE examinations but also so that they are equipped with crucial critical thinking skills and a spirit of intellectual curiosity. Like KS3, students will get the opportunity to access physical education and enrichment. The curriculum also aims to give students an understanding of the pathways that they may take once they leave OTS in the form of both Higher Education and Careers. 


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