Inspection Reports


Outstanding quality of education

“The school has created a calm and welcoming environment, with staff attuned and responsive to pupils’ needs.”

“The school has extremely high expectations for all its pupils. The curriculum allows pupils to develop their skills and knowledge very successfully across a wide range of subjects.”

“The school’s provision for pupils’ wider development is exemplary in that it is designed to meet the individual needs of pupils in the school.”


Outstanding Leadership

"Leaders and staff and the proprietor are determined to ensure that pupils receive the very best support. 

"Leaders prioritise pupils’ medical, social and emotional needs. They work extremely closely with medical professionals and hospital staff to provide each pupil with support tailored to their needs."


Outstanding Staff

"Staff show immense care and help all pupils to thrive."

"Staff are ambitious for pupils’ academic success. They have high expectations of all pupils. The school’s curriculum is very wide ranging."


Outstanding behaviour

"The school is friendly, welcoming and calm, which enables pupils to settle quickly. Staff build strong, professional and trusting relationships with pupils. This helps pupils to participate positively in their education. Staff use individualised strategies skilfully that help pupils to remain focused in class. As a result, curriculum teaching is rarely ever disrupted. Pupils’ attitudes to their learning are excellent."