Private Pay Route


The private pay route is for those who intend to meet the cost of the fees privately

If you are intending to meet the cost of the school fees without any financial assistance then you will follow the private pay route for admissions. You can contact us at [email protected] with questions concerning fees.

The entry process for the private pay route is broken down into a series of steps which are outlined below.

The Private Pay Route Process



You are welcome to get in touch with our admissions team through our website. Following your initial enquiry we may arrange a phone call and/or a visit to the school where you will be able to meet some of the people that make our school so special. Children would not usually attend these visits in the first instance.  



Once you are sure that the Orange Tree School is the right place for your child and want them to be considered for admission, you can formally apply to the school by completing our Online Registration Form. 


Application review and taster sessions

Our admissions team will thoroughly review your application along with any relevant supporting materials. If we feel that the Orange Tree school may be a good fit for your child, they will then be invited for one or more taster sessions. These taster sessions are the best way to find out if the school would be a suitable setting and to make sure we are able to meet their needs. An invitation to attend a taster session does not necessarily guarantee an offer of a place at the school.



If, following our review of all paperwork, discussions with associated professionals and the taster session/s, we believe we are able to meet your child’s needs, a formal offer of a place will be given. At this stage we will also provide a costed breakdown of the bespoke provision that we will deliver for your child. 



Once the offer paperwork has been completed and returned along with the acceptance deposit, the transition process to join our school can be started. 

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